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✈️???????????? Check out Juanpa Zurita’s 48-hour trip to Bhutan for #BestoftheWorld episode 3!

Check out Juanpa Zurita's 48-hour trip to Bhutan for #BestoftheWorld episode 3!

???? Which amazing location are you choosing if you visit Bhutan? #natgeo #BestoftheWorld

Which amazing location are you choosing if you visit Bhutan? #natgeo #BestoftheWorld.

Travel to Bhutan with Juanpa Zurita for episode 3 of Nat Geo's #BestoftheWorld Series!

Travel to Bhutan with Juanpa Zurita for episode 3 of Nat Geo's #BestoftheWorld Series!

Juanpa Zurita Adventures to See the Best of Bhutan | Nat Geo’s Best of the World

Join Juanpa Zurita as he adventures to Bhutan—”the happiest country in the world”. Whether it's cook ...View More

???? Take a bite into Bhutan in episode 3 of Nat Geo’s #BestoftheWorld series!

Take a bite into Bhutan in episode 3 of Nat Geo's #BestoftheWorld series! #nationalgeographic.


Every year, streams and rivers descending from China, Nepal, Bhutan and India, swell, overflow, floo ...View More

What’s the best country to live in?

Discover the shortcomings of using GDP to measure a country's well-being, and what alternatives can  ...View More

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